+ this will leave you with a usable system
			+ this guide assumes a cabled internet connection
			+ the real redpill is that arch installation never ends
			+ NOTE: read all the way through before starting
			1. In the BIOS enable UEFI/EFI and disable
				secure booting
			2. Boot into an installation pendrive
			3. Load appropriate keyboard
				   localectl list-keymaps	: returns [keymap]s
				   loadkeys [keymap]		: sets [keymap] as new keymaps
			4. Create sufficient partitions
				   >preferably dont fuck up this part
				   |					Partitions to create					   |
				   |       type       |   size    |    command(s) to run on it     |
				   | EFI system       | >550MB    | mkfs.fat -F32 [this]           |
				   | Linux swap       | 2GB       | mkswap [this] && swapon [this] |	//not technically neceserry
				   | Linux filesystem | the rest  | mkfs.ext4 && mount [this] /mnt |
				   >[this] stands for the created partition
			5. Install linux
				   pacstrap /mnt base linux linux-firmware
			6. Generate file system table
				   genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
			7. "login" as root of the new system
				   arch-chroot /mnt
			8. Set basic system information
				   ${EDITOR} /etc/hostname
						>setting a hostname
						>choose a host name and write it in the file
						>this "hostname" is going to be the name of
						  the machine, visible to the users and on 
						  the network
						>commonly some permutation of the distros name
				   ${EDITOR} /etc/hosts
						¤insert:	localhost
							::1			localhost	[hostname].localdomain [hostname]
				   ${EDITOR} /etc/locale.gen
						>setting a locale
						>uncomment (delete the '#' from the begining
						  of the line) a line that suites you
						>choose something starting with your 
						  country code and containing "UTF-8"
				   locale-gen				: generates locale
				   ${EDITOR} /etc/locale.conf
						>[locale] is the line that got uncommented
						  in /etc/locale.gen
				   ${EDITOR} /etc/vconsole.conf
						>saving keyboard prefrence
			9.  Update pacman databases
					pacman -Syu
			10. Install grub
				>EFI booting must be enable for this step
				>EFI booting can be enabled inside the system BIOS
					pacman -S grub efibootmgr dosfstools os-prober mtools
					mkdir /boot/EFI
					mount [EFI_partition] /boot/EFI
						>[EFI_partition] is most likely /dev/sda1
					grub-install --target=x86_64-efi\
						--bootloader-id=grub_uefi --recheck
				>NOTE: the target might be different for you, but
				  I bet it isnt
					grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
			11. Secure internet connection
					pacman -S networkmanager
					systemctl enable NetworkManager
			12. Make a new user
				>[name] is your freely choosen username
					useradd -m [name]
					passwd [name]
						-> enter choosen password 
					usermod -aG wheel,audio,video,optical,storage [name]
			13. Install sudo
					pacman -S sudo
						-> uncomment (delete the '#' from the begining
							of the line) the following lines:
								%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL
			14. Install a desktop envirement (xfce4)
					pacman -S xorg xfce4 xfce4-goodies lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter
					systemctl enable lightdm
			15. Pray
			16. Enjoy your new sense of superiority
			>I use arch btw