>basic knowledge of public key cryptography
		>the server holds a public key, while the client has a private key
		  which it will use for authentication
		>this way we both protect from brute forcing attacks and
		  optionally avoid to ever have to enter a password for connecting
		1. Create a key pair
			Green( anon@Client )$ ssh-keygen
			"Generating public/private rsa key pair."
			"Enter file in which to save the key (/home/anon/.ssh/id_rsa):" 
			"Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):" ()
			"Enter same passphrase again:" ()
			"Your identification has been saved in ignore"
			"Your public key has been saved in"
			"The key fingerprint is:"
			"SHA256:sAswBDPwdk6wqK8HSOvDBRUrJmYbA0O9i8ZAmTbxve0 anon@Client"
			"The key's randomart image is:"
			"+---[RSA 3072]----+ "
			"|=o=.o o     *    | "
			"|.Xx+o+ +   a     | "
			"|+BB o.o .   b    | "
			"|*o*   o          | "
			"|+o* o...S        | "
			"|.=.B  .+    r    | "
			"|+ ..+ oE         | "
			"| + .jklas8u      | "
			"|  o.             | "
			"+----[SHA256]-----+ "
							: if youre following this tutorial then the default probably good enough for you
				()	: optional password; your private key will be encrypted with this,
								   which makes it secure from being plainly stolen, however do note that youll have to enter it
								   whenever with every new ssh-agent session
		2. Get the servers identifier
			>if the server is located on the lan use:
				Red(   root@Server )$ ip a
				//look for the num string which fits the pattern:
			>if the server is located on WAN look up its ip online
			>if the server has a register-ed domain use that
			>NOTE: use whatever you got as "" from now on
		3. Add the key to server
			Green( anon@Client )$ ssh-copy-id 
			>if the key location is not the default explicit-ly specify its path using the -i flag
		4. Login to the server
			>this step serves as both ground work for easing the next and as a test
			>if youre prompted for a password something went terribly wrong, do not proceed
			Green( anon@Client )$ ssh 
		5. Disable password authentication
				Red(   root@Server )$ ${EDITOR} /etc/ssh/sshd_config
				¤add or modify lines to:
					PubkeyAuthentication yes
					PasswordAuthentication no
		6. Restart ssh server
				Red(   root@Server )$ systemctl restart sshd
				>ssh is very sensitive at the correct permissions on the server (for security reasons)
				|  Permission  |          File          |
				:         755  : ~/                     :
				:         700  : ~/.ssh/                :
				:         600  : ~/.ssh/authorized_keys :