>since sql uses an inner system for identifying users a few hoops must be jumped
			>root is always preregistered
			1. Log in as root
				sudo mysql
			2. Create a new user
				CREATE USER '[your_name]'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '[password]';
				>NOTE: [password] doesnt have to be the same as the users system log in password
			3. Grant privileges to the new user
				GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO '[your_name]'@'localhost';
				>NOTE: this grants all privileges, which may not be a very bright idea on a shared system;
						granting partial privileges is recommended and detailed BELOW
			4. Exit
			5. Log in as yourself
				mysql --user=[your_username] -p
				-NOTE: the following alias is recommended (see AT "/Bash/Builtins/alias")
					alias mysql="mysql --user=${USER} -p"