All of my open source projects are available either on my Onion Gitea. or github.
Some highlights:
- Csope:
- Depgra:
- Hitags:
- Bashtutor:
- Bsleep:
- Vichan scrapper:
- Histui:
- 8 queens:
- fzfind:
- Stacktor:
Maintained Cscope fork with several improvements.

Dependency graph drawer.
Currently C/C++ header only,
nothing too fancy,
however do look at picrel.

Dynamic symbol highlighting in Vim
without a language server.
It exists because of my frustration with
how language servers must be setup,
and lobotomized
(as I dont want my input to lag,
just so the compiler can yell at me
for a half typed expression being invalid).
If you share the sentiment,
hitags is a reasonable alternative.
It works with anything that Ctags supports too.
Theres also an extra mirror

Interactive CLI learning material framework
with quality Bash proof of concept module.

Banner countdown timer.
The ideal way to fall asleep with
a laptop by your side.
(Assuming you have auto hybernation turned off,
because your default state is

(With minimal local frontend.)

TUI for your Bash history.

It's nothing special, but it sure does look cool.

Simple, but very comfy auto completion script for Bash.

Dynamic container abusing thread stacks.
Does this have any benefits?
Not really.
Is it evil?